HPG Serie HEPA Filter

HPG Serie HEPA Filter is used in hospitals and various other sectors, including the nuclear, food processing and semiconductor industries. HEPA filters are highly reliable as they are subjected to strict quality checks and extensive testing. HEPA filters are constructed in various ways, depending on their application.

  • Frame : Galvanised steel
  • Medium : Glasfibre
  • Gasket : polyurethane
Filterclass according to EN 1822
E10, E11, H13, H14
Maximum/recommended final pressure drop
500 Pa


Hopital clinique


food industry

Food processing


  • Frame : Galvanised steel
  • Spacers : Aluminium
  • Bonding : 2 component polyurethane
  • Medium : Glasfibre
  • Gasket : polyurethane
  • Maximum temperature : 70°C
  • Maximum relative humidity : 90%


  • It is essential to observe the following rules when installing HEPA filters:
  • Avoid touching the pleat package, as this may cause damage
  • Ensure that every HEPA filter is validated following installation, to ensure that it is correctly fitted and devoid of damage
  • Keep copies of test reports on the filters, and maintain suitable records of the test reports, stickers, resistances and validation reports
  • Ensure that the flow rate of HEPA filters is never exceeded by more than 25%. Such excesses may cause performance deterioration or even damage the filter
  • When fitting, ensure that the frames and filters are clean and that gaskets and any other seals are completely intact
  • Use suitable protective equipment at all times, even when replacing used filters
  • Maintain filter installation records; note the date, type and initial resistance.


  • The lowest possible resistance for each model
  • A reduction of your energy costs.