Supplier Code of Conduct

Version 1.0, January 2024 1

At home in air filter technology since its founding in 1979, AFPRO Filters acquired a leading role in the market
for air filtration. With sales offices in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Finland, Poland, Australia
and China, and an extensive international dealer network, AFPRO filters are available worldwide.
The AFPRO team co-operates with its clients to achieve the most optimal filter solution. In addition to the high
product quality, AFPRO Filters also stands out for their excellent logistics and for supplying related
accessories, such as belts. Through short delivery times thanks to superior logistics, AFPRO Filters
developed into a reliable international partner. We sell, produce and supply filters and filter media for
treatment of liquids and gases, development, testing, production, storage and wholesale activities of air filters.
When conducting our company activities we will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and requirements
and strive to continuously improve our social and environmental performance throughout the value chain. We
take full responsibility for our actions, and we expect our suppliers to do the same.
The Code of Conduct for Suppliers sets out basic requirements on human rights, labor, environment and
business integrity. The code is based on the UN Global Compact. AFPRO Filters expects its suppliers to
uphold and comply with the principles described in this Code of Conduct for Suppliers or at least apply an
equivalent standard and conduct their business activities accordingly.
AFPRO Filters can monitor the compliance of suppliers with the requirements in this Supplier Code of
Conduct by requesting its suppliers to provide relevant information and to conduct audits and assessments of
the supplier’s operations.

  1. Human rights and labor rights
    AFPRO Filters expects its suppliers to respect and protect internationally proclaimed human rights, as
    described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations, both in the workplace
    as well as in their general business activities. All employees and workers should be treated honestly, with
    dignity and respect.
  2. Freedom of association and collective bargaining
    Suppliers shall recognize and respect the rights of employees to freely associate, organize and bargain
    collectively, if they so wish to. In situations where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining
    is restricted by applicable laws and regulations, suppliers are expected to allow alternate forms of worker
  3. Modern slavery and forced labor
    Suppliers shall not participate in, or benefit from any form of forced labor, including bonded labor, involuntary
    prison labor, slavery, servitude or work performed under the menace of a penalty or coercion. All forms of
    modern slavery are unacceptable.
  4. Child labor and young workers
    Suppliers shall work against all forms of child labor. Suppliers shall not employ children below the minimum
    age of employment or the age for completing compulsory education in that country, whichever is higher.
    Suppliers shall not employ any workers under the age of 18 to perform any work that is defined in national law
    as hazardous.

  1. Non-discrimination
    Suppliers shall not practice any form of discrimination in hiring and employment practices. Illegitimate grounds
    for discrimination include but are not limited to: race, color, gender, age, language, property, nationality or
    national origin, religion, ethnic or social origin, caste, economic grounds, disability, pregnancy, belonging to
    indigenous people, trade union affiliation, political opinion, and sexual orientation.
  2. Health and safety
    Suppliers shall ensure a safe and healthy workplace or any other location where work is undertaken. All work
    shall be preceded by and be based on documented adequate risk management with implemented controls.
    This shall include physical, social and organizational health risks. Risks shall be reduced according to the
    following hierarchy: elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and as a last hand
    alternative, personal protective equipment.
  3. Alcohol & drugs abuse
    We are committed to providing a safe, healthy and drug-free workplace. As a company we prohibit illegal
    drugs usage at any time. Using alcohol or drugs when on the job or coming to work under the influence of
    alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited within AFPRO Filters and we encourage our suppliers to do the same.
  4. Wages and benefits
    Suppliers should strive to pay all workers a wage that meets basic needs and provides a discretionary income.
    In compliance with all applicable laws, workers shall be compensated for overtime at pay rates greater than
    regular hourly rates. Suppliers should ensure that normal working hours and overtime working hours are
    within the limits permitted by applicable laws and regulations or agreed to in relevant collective agreements.
  5. Environment
    AFPRO Filters expects its suppliers to manage their operations responsibly in relation to environmental risks
    and impacts, to adopt a precautionary approach, and to have a life cycle perspective in their business
    operations. Resources such as water and energy should be used efficiently and impacts on biodiversity as
    well as services provided by our ecosystems should be minimized.
  6. Environmental protection
    Suppliers shall endeavor to avoid or reduce any waste or emissions as a result of their business activities.
    Suppliers should use efficient technologies which aim to reduce the environmental impact as much as
    possible. Starting from 2023, AFPRO Filters encourages suppliers to measure CO2 emissions caused by their
    own operations and define the actions to minimize them. We require a yearly update for the CO2 emissions, if
  7. Corporate social responsibility and/or environmental management system
    Suppliers whose activities have an environmental impact shall have a structured and systematic approach to
    take environmental aspects into account, which includes establishing suitable management systems to
    improve environmental performance, setting targets and performing follow-ups.
  8. Compliance with laws and regulations and business integrity
    AFPRO Filters expects its suppliers to conduct business in compliance with all applicable national and
    international laws, rules and regulations and adhere to internationally agreed standards of business ethics.
    Suppliers shall obtain and maintain all required permits and licenses required by its country law for legal
    operation and comply with the operational and reporting requirements of such permits and licenses.
  9. Trade compliance
    We expect our suppliers not to do business with countries and individuals that are under EU sanctions. Visit for more information. Make sure this website is checked regularly.
  1. Anti-corruption
    Suppliers shall not engage in or tolerate any form of corruption, bribery, extortion or embezzlement. Suppliers
    shall not offer or accept any benefits or other means to obtain any undue or improper advantage. Such
    improper benefits may comprise cash, non-monetary gifts, pleasure trips or services and amenities of any
    other nature.
  2. Conflict of interest
    Suppliers shall avoid conflicts of interest that may compromise the supplier’s credibility within AFPRO Filters
    or other exterior parties’ confidence in AFPRO Filters.
  3. Fair competition
    Suppliers shall respect and comply with all applicable competition laws and regulations and not enter into
    discussions or agreements with competitors concerning pricing, market sharing or other similar activities.
  4. Protection of intellectual property rights and confidential information
    Suppliers shall respect intellectual property rights and protect confidential information by safeguarding it
    against misuse, theft, fraud or improper disclosure.
  5. Commitment
    AFPRO Filters expects suppliers to commit to the requirements mentioned in the code by implementing
    management systems and control mechanisms and execute follow-ups when a possible or potential violation
    has come to their attention.
  6. Management system and monitoring
    Suppliers should have adequate management systems and controls in place to ensure compliance with this
    Code of Conduct or equivalent standards. The functioning and quality of the supplier’s management system
    should be in proportion to the size, complexity and risk environment of the supplier’s business. Suppliers
    should ensure and monitor that their own suppliers and sub-suppliers comply with this Code of Conduct or its
    AFPRO Filters may audit both suppliers and sub-suppliers in order to access the information necessary for
    monitoring of this Code of Conduct. During the audit we may request any information that serves as proof of
    supplier responses. If necessary, a NDA will be signed by both parties for information shared during the audit.
  7. Consequences in case of violations
    Suppliers shall address any violations of the code or equivalent standards that come to their knowledge and
    take appropriate action. Depending on the severity of the violation, appropriate action could be a request for
    corrective measures. Failure to comply with the code or repeated and unjustified refusal to provide the
    required information may also result in suspending or terminating the suppliers’ activities.